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简介nba篮球赛每场时间_NBA篮球赛每场时间是多少分钟       下面将有我来为大家聊一聊nba篮球赛每场时间的问题,希望这个问题可以为您解答您的疑问,关于nba篮球赛每场时间的问题我们就开始来说说。1.我想问篮球比赛每节、每场的时间及规则?2









       一场篮球比赛共有4节 每节12分钟 一场比赛共48分钟 篮球规则简介 比赛方法 一队五人,其中一人为队长,候补球员最多七人,但可依主办单位而增 加人数。比赛分前、后半场,每半场各20 分钟,中场休息 10 分钟。比 赛结束两队积分相同时,则举行延长赛 5 分钟,若 5 分钟后比数仍相同 ,则再次进行 5 分钟延长比赛,直至比出胜负为止。 得分种类 球投进篮框经裁判认可后,便算得分。 3 分线内侧投入可得 2 分;三分 线外侧投入可得 3 分,罚球投进得 1 分。 进行方式 比赛开始由两队各推出一名跳球员至中央跳球区,由主审裁判抛球双方 跳球,开始比赛。 罚球 每名球员各有 4 次被允许犯规的机会,第五次即犯满退场。且不能在同 一场比赛中再度上场。罚球是在谁都不能阻挡、防守的情况下投篮,是 做为对犯规队伍的处罚,给予另一队的机会。罚球要站在罚球线后,从 裁判手中接过球后 5 秒内要投篮。在投篮后,球触到篮框前均不能踩越 罚球线。 替换球员 每次替换选手要在20秒内完成,替换次数则不限定。交换选手的时间选 在有人犯规、争球、叫暂停等。裁判可暂时中止球赛的计时。 违例 (1)普通违例:如带球走步、两次运球、脚踢球或以拳击球。 (2)跳球违例。 csjh.tpc.edu/a90/a90018basketball.3 ihep.ac/gaonsgh/00531 dljh.tcc.edu/teachweb/baseketball/%C4x%B2y%B3W%ABh






        The rules of NBA : The Object of the game is to put the ball into your oppo's goal. this may be done by throwing the ball from any part of the grounds

        with one or both hands

        under the following conditions and rules. 1 The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands 2 the ball may be batted in any direction with one

        or both hands (never with the fist) 3 A player cannot run with the ball. the player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it

        allowances will be made for a man who catches the ball while running if he tries to stop. 4 The ball must be held by the hands. the arms or body must not be used for holding the ball 5 No shouldering




        or striking in any way the peron of an opponent shall be allowed; the first infrigement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul

        the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made. or if there was evident intent to injure the person for the whole game

        no substitution allowed. 6 A foul is striking the ball with the fist

        violation of Rules 3

        4 and such as described in Rule 5. 7 If either side makes three consecutive fouls it shall count as a goal for the oppenent. (consecutive me without the oppenent making a basket in the meantime) 8 A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the grounds into the basket and stays there

        providing those defending the goal do not touch or disurb the goal. if the ball rest on the edges

        and the oppe moves the basket

        it shall count as a goal 9 When the ball goes out of bounds

        it shall be thrown into the feild of play by the person first touching it. He has the right to hold it unmolested for five seconds. in case of a dispute the umpire shall throw it staight into the feild. The thrower-in is allowed 5 seconds; if he holds it longer it shall goto the opponent. if any side persists in delaying the game

        the umpire shall call a foul on that side. 10 The Umpire shall be the judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been mited. He shall have the power to disquailify men accoring to Rule 5. 11 The Referee shall be judge of the ball

        and shall decide when the ball is in play

        in bounds

        to which side the ball belongs

        and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are permitted by the referee. 12 The Time shall be o fifteen-minute halve *** with five mintues rest beeen. 13 the side making the most goals in that tme shall be declared the winner. In case of a draw game the game may

        be agreement of the captains

        be continued until another goal is made. 2007-09-02 11:09:11 补充: Official Rules of the National Basketball Associationnba










       NBA每场比赛48分钟,分为4节。 剩下的比赛每场40分钟,分为4节。 国际篮球联合会( FIBA )的比赛为40分钟,分为上半场和下半场,各20分钟NBA中1场、3场比赛结束后,双方休息2分钟、15分钟。

       NBA是北美男子篮球组织,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一。 将30只队伍分为东部联赛和西部联赛,每个联赛又分为3个赛区,每个赛区由5只队伍组成。 那场比赛美国职业篮球联赛又被直接称为NBA,是世界上水平最高的职业篮球比赛。












       NBA为12分钟,每节之间休息5分钟,NBA中场休息时间长是由于NBA是个盈利性很强的机构,要给电视转播更多的播放广告的时间。NBA为130秒,中场休息10分钟,NBA为15分钟,另在NBA中在第4节和任何加时赛之间休息100秒。比赛结束两队积分相同时,则举行延长赛5 分钟。


       篮球(basketball)是一个由两队参与,在一个长方形篮球场进行的球类运动,每队出场5名队员,可将球向任何方向传、投、拍、滚或运,目的是将篮球投入对方球篮得分,并阻止对方获得控球权或得分。篮球运动起源于1891年12月21日,由美国麻塞诸塞州春田市基督教青年会学校(现今春田学院)体育教师詹姆斯·奈史密斯(James Naismith)博士发明。
